It’s nice to be mono­chrome in Milano

Architecture of Milano, in every style, from every era, awaits for you to capture it.

It has been 193 days since I have arrived to Milano. It was cold, rainy but beat­i­ful so far. I’ve been lone­ly for the most of time. If I hadn’t had a lot of work to do I would love to dis­cov­er the cor­ners of Milano because what I have seen so far amazed me.
I feel like this is a tra­di­tion­al ital­ian city with a large scale. It seems like a mutat­ed small town in mid Italy. You know these small towns with a mid-large cathe­dral, with famous of one par­tic­u­lar thing — so far for Cre­mona it was the vio­lins, for Mod­e­na it was the bal­sam­i­co, for Man­to­va.. well Man­to­va was a par­tic­u­lar case..
When you are in Milano walk­ing among the small streets you always feel like los­ing your way but you are nev­er far away.. There are three main streets com­ing out­side of the city con­nect­ing at the Piaz­za del Duo­mo. And two out­er cir­cles which defines the zones of the city. It is very, very easy to read it. To know where to go and where not to. It is almost accu­rate to say it is a city formed by geo­met­ric attrib­ut­es. Which makes it easy for peo­ple to under­stand it. 
Makes you feel like you are in a ren­nais­sance city but cov­ered with a goth­ic mask. Like Duo­mo itself. Almost makes you numb.. at the city point of view. But high­ly detailed in a dif­fer­ent lev­el. It is all hid­den in the details the strange char­ac­ter of it. But the city, the sweet­ness of being easy makes you feel like it’s like this every­where in the world…
There are almost no protests.. it is always like vaca­tion for you; maybe that’s why peo­ple are work­ing here aggre­sive most of time. It is full of rich peo­ple and the poor.
I like it though it is like one of those cities, in fact I can say this is the city that the oth­ers alike, has no strik­ing fea­tures.. no dis­tin­guished inten­si­ty.. no long­ing but beat­i­ful to be here. Very, very beat­i­ful. It is like a hap­py life, a hap­py end­ing book, an illusion.