Urban Tales from Hamburg

A Short story with terracotta in black and white

This is a pho­to album of the Ham­burg in win­ter. Where mono­chrome images com­bined with col­ored pho­tos of brick build­ings. A con­cen­trat­ed look to com­plex and nat­ur­al move­ments in the city.

Ham­burg, the city of ports. Nev­er seen such a city in my taste, every­where sur­round­ed with water. Build­ings from the age of indus­tri­al rev­o­lu­tion. Fac­to­ries, cof­fee shops, offices, exhi­bi­tion halls and com­plex bridge com­bi­na­tions in the city.  Although this is a cold city in both mean­ings the details makes you feel warmer inside. The brick struc­tures and black iron balus­trates com­bines in a way that I can only explain with the word romantic.

It is a beau­ti­ful city. The archi­tec­ture screams to you that it belongs to anoth­er era. Strange touch­es of hip­ster shops and cof­fee hous­es in the cor­ners. Small lights fly­ing aroung in the evening. A mag­i­cal sur­round­ing. It is almost like an indus­tri­al fairy­tale. The city has a cer­tain char­ac­ter. So close yet not like one of those north­ern cities where every­thing is per­fect and in order. Here you can read the chaos, con­fu­sion, lone­ly peo­ple, immi­grants, edgy neigh­bour­hoods, fan­cy fish din­ers near the port, the most expen­sive opera house in the world and tiny hotel rooms.

Hope to come back soon.