Ziya Hous­ing

3d viusalisaton of the floor plans

This small apart­ment ren­o­va­tion project have devel­oped by the office. The exist­ing archi­tec­ture have re-eval­u­at­ed and designed to be an apart-hotel in Tak­sim, Istan­bul to be pre­sent­ed to the client.
The project have cre­at­ed with Arch­ci­ad from the 2D draw­ings made in Auto­CAD. And the fur­ni­ture was import­ed from Archicad’s 3D Object Library. The ren­der­ings made with the engines that are built in Archi­cad. Fol­low­ing this appli­ca­tion ren­ders have arranged with post-pro­duc­tion tech­niques in Photoshop.

  • Project Year: 2018
  • Project For: HEG Mimarlık
  • Project Category: Visualization
  • Personal Cont. : The development of the
  • project’s visuals. 3D Modelling, rendering
  • and visualization.