Peo­ple Profiles

Pho­togram­met­ric Works

Peo­ple Profiles

These are some tri­al works that I have cre­at­ed with pho­togram­me­try method. This is a tech­nique based on cre­at­ing mod­els and orto-mosa­ic images with the pho­to­graph­ic capturings.

The aspects such as size and tex­ture can be arranged and built with adding right amount information.The mod­els that are being pro­duced can trans­form into difer­ent soft­ware exten­sions. There­fore it is pos­si­ble to cre­ate 3d Print­ings with these files.

The mod­els that are in this post are at rough stage at the moment. I will gen­er­ate more in few weeks.