Liget Budapest Com­pe­ti­tion of Muse­um of Ethnography

This muse­um con­tains not only the exhi­bi­tion ground; it is also a cen­ter of attrac­tion with its inter­ac­tive, open and semi open spaces. In this man­ner, muse­um con­tributes to the city’s image which could be relat­ed with tan­ta­liz­ing spaces. Being attrac­tive to vis­i­tors will ensure the museum’s con­tri­bu­tion to urban life. The fea­tures men­tioned above for the muse­um, cre­ates a dynam­ic, active and liv­ing muse­um instead of a sta­t­ic and inan­i­mate muse­um. Despite the sta­t­ic nature of the muse­um, the design approach com­bines sta­t­ic with the dynamism of the city.

When the vis­i­tor con­nect­ed to the past pulls off his/her visu­al rela­tion­ship from the arti­fact and moves out of the muse­um, he/she con­tributes to the devel­op­ment and main­te­nance of cul­ture in semi-out­door and out­door recre­ation and per­for­mance areas on the ground and on the shell, the vis­i­tor begins to include the events. Thus; past, present and future coex­is­tence starts.