Pub­li­ca­tion, High Res­o­lu­tion Orthopho­to of Milan Cathedral

High Res­o­lu­tion Orthopho­to of Milan Cathe­dral Lat­est Work­flow for Com­plex Archi­tec­ture, Mas­ter The­sis, 2016–17 Me and my col­legue Andrea De Biasi we have cre­at­ed this Mas­ter The­sis with the con­tri­bu­tion of 3D Sur­vey Group between 2016–17 for the Duo­mo di Milano as researcher stu­dents in Politec­ni­co di Milano. 

Il Min­cio

Exhi­bi­tion, ‘Il Min­cio come canale di arti­co­lazione ter­ri­to­ri­ale’ at Palaz­zo Guar­i­en­ti, Oct 13, 2016, Comune di Valeg­gio sul Mincio

Il Min­cio come canale di arti­co­lazione territoriale

Exhi­bi­tion, ‘Il Min­cio come canale di arti­co­lazione ter­ri­to­ri­ale’ at Politec­ni­co di Milano, Dec 2016, Comune di Valeg­gio sul Min­cio & Politec­ni­co di Milano

Diál­o­gos e Afinidades

Exhi­bi­tion of ‘Diál­o­gos e Afinidades’, Exposição e Con­ver­sa ‘Diál­o­gos e Afinidades’, Mar 23, 2017, FAUP — Fac­ul­dade de Arqui­tec­tura da Uni­ver­si­dade do Porto

Pub­li­ca­tion, Liget Budapest Muse­um of Etnog­ra­phy Competition

Arkit­era Link: Katılım­cı, Liget Etno­grafya Müze­si Yarış­ması Archi­tiz­er Link: Liget Budapest Com­pe­ti­tion of Muse­um of Ethnog­ra­phy About Com­pe­ti­tion Project: This muse­um con­tains not only the exhi­bi­tion ground; it is also a cen­ter of attrac­tion with its inter­ac­tive, open and semi open spaces. In this man­ner, muse­um con­tributes to the city’s image which could be relat­ed with tantalizing…

Pub­li­ca­tion, Box In a Box

Box In a Box pub­li­ca­tion dateMay 1, 2015  pub­li­ca­tion descrip­tionDer­gi 5.5 pub­li­ca­tion descrip­tionA pub­li­ca­tion about the project ‘box in a box’ cre­at­ed by Haz­al Gülşan, Ecem His­ar and İrem Yeşil, in Şehrine Ses Ver, Urban Design Work­shop has pub­lised by Der­gi 5.5 Isseu 3.