Mun­dane Orange Sky

There is a long plain field around the asphalt road after pass­ing the Ipsala Bor­der (Greece) at west Turkey. These pho­tos have tak­en in a tired and dusty sun­set while going in the car; the con­struc­tion work­ers, small fac­to­ries, some lit­tle hous­es and the vast colour­ful, pas­tel empti­ness. One of the most char­ac­ter­is­tic places I have ever pho­tographed, found it with no indi­ca­tions and it appeared from nowhere for a brief peri­od of time. Remind­ed me all those times I force myself to find a beau­ti­ful place to pho­to­graph and felt unsat­is­fied then some­times you are lucky enough to find beau­ty in a mod­est part of the world, in per­fect mundaneness.